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Roll numbers / staffing


Mount Biggs School   is a great school.  We are all very proud of the results we achieve with pupils and the reputation we have within the wider community. 

Pupils who leave Mount Biggs School are well prepared for High School.  Mount Biggs pupils do go on to achieve very highly and in future newsletters I will share some of those successes with you.

As you are aware we are always working to enhance all our class programmes and are continuously looking for new opportunities for our pupils.

This year we have some exciting new ideas to put in place for our seniors which include:

  • Specialist language classes,   possibly starting with French this term and Spanish in term 3.
  • Visits by experts in other subject areas – e.g.  Science
  • Visits by ex-pupils, (especially year 9 pupils),   to discuss what it was like to start at High School.
  • A new  “Prepare me for High School “ Programme that will include activities such as:

-Exam sitting, coaching and advice sessions

-Visits by High School Deans to discuss opportunity taking at High School

-Visits to High School classes to see what it is like.

-Career Education – discussing subjects and options needed for various             careers.


The Board of Trustees is committed to having four teachers at Mount Biggs. The roll count at the 1st July is very much part of the ministry’s decision on the   number of teachers.  To be assured four teachers will continue into the future, without always having to worry about numbers, we need the support of you all.  Can you all get the word around that we do have spaces in most year groups for enrolments.  If you know of any families that may be thinking of a change for the children,   get them to come and have a look at Mount Biggs. We are investigating the possibility of a bus from Feilding and it would be good to be able to have an indication of any support for this initiative.

We will hold an information evening for year 6 parents later this term so we can discuss what our senior school can offer.  Parents of year 6 pupils in neighbouring schools will be invited to this evening as we want them to be aware we can offer a great alternative for them for their child’s intermediate years.


So please – spread the word!  We would rather have slightly more than needed for four teachers than just the required number of 76,   so we can be more confident about the future.  Talk to myself or any BOT member if you have any ideas about enhancing our school.

Let’s continue to be the best.


Raewyn Marshall





This year we would like to offer our Year 7/8 pupils the opportunity to sit the International Competition and Assessments for Schools  run annually by Educational Assessment Australia with the University of N.S.W.

These do come at a cost as set out below, so will need your careful consideration.

ICA s sitting dates:

          Entries Close  Costs

Writing Monday 18 June May 21 $17.50

Spelling Tuesday 19 June May 22 $  9.50

English Tuesday 31 July July 3 $  7.50

Mathematics Tuesday 14 August July 17 $7.50

Please let the office know if you would like your child entered for these exams.




FRIDAY JUNE 8th Afternoon School Cross- Country
FRIDAY JUNE 15th All day—year groups at different times Kainui Cross-Country
WEDNESDAY /THURSDAY       JUNE 20th All day School Science Celebration /Display
TUESDAY JUNE 26th Evening Kainui Concert (Regent Theatre)



This starts next week.  Players must pay before this day.  



$5 a bag



ASSEMBLY      – this Friday                


NETBALL ANZ  –   $1500  Grant.

A big thank you to those dedicated netballers  (and families) who tirelessly voted on line for Mt Biggs School Netball!!!!!!

We have been awarded a grant from ANZ for  netball  at  our school.





Congratulations to the Coleman Coaching Clinic for a very successful opening training clinic session last Monday.  We are extremely lucky to have a nationally qualified academy football coach within the school community.

Scott’s years of experience in Manawatu Rep Teams and the Central Federation is a huge benefit to the school. We are already getting interest from outside students wanting to join the programme.

We look forward to our Academy Teams taking part in Interschool games.




Renee is continuing with our band and also taking Ukulele lessons with all classes.  This will start today and will continue on a weekly basis  (apart from one or two weeks when she falls apart!).



